Scientific & philosophical concept of ALLAH
Talash Allah Mawrah ka Tauun is a book written by Uksi Mufti and translated into Urdu by Najiba Arif. Original book was published in English with title:Allah; Measuring the intangible.Scientific and philosophical perspective of the Divine. First Talash was written by his father Mumtaz Mufti inspired many people. In Lahore book fair title of Talaash with beautiful eye catching jet black book cover with golden inscription of Allah seized my attention. I picked book with a mind to read extension or sequel to his father's legacy. But it surprised with it's strange subject which reminded me some one who qouted few years ago, "if you can't defend your God, He is not your God."Those words left me with a lot of questions. He said" if you can't prove your God through any equation or any thing sceitific about him, how could I believe in Him." This book redirected my quest and put me on path to find a physical proof to Allah. Uksi Mufti spent his life in this