God of Small Things

"The God of small Things" is journey between
inner and outer worlds of feelings and emotions simultaneously.
Fatal fate of forbidden love often haunts the responsibility and darkens realities ever. 
Paying heavy price of forbidden dreams with a shattered soul. 
Ever since beginning of life on earth exploitation in names of caste and creed has been rising in all its possible forms. 
Suffocated feelings and chained emotions culminated very depressing picture in novel.
Picture of wounded society exposed in story.
Novel recognized ugly face of vanity, jealousy and deep seated evils of human heart.
How duality of weak society, let the darkness to creep in and leave behind only regrets.
Novel is a deep staire on inherent racism, division of class and cast. Taboo striken rich society of subcontinent is hollow in its inner fabrics.
It has a thought provoking & shocking plot exposing collective shame which poisons your thoughts.
As it's difficult to peep deep in a tender heart and care for nascent dreams. 
Truly when you save a life,you save the whole humanity as human heart is basic structural and functional unit of God masterpiece.
Caring for small can protect the all.
Overall left me sad and broken.
It 'll take time to reassemble 
pieces once again.📿🌹


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